Top 5 First Things To 3D Print!

Top 5 First Things To 3D Print!

One of the most asked questions we get here what do I print first! 

So please see below our TOP 5 list on things to print with our 3D Print Filament! 

1. 3D Benchy

3D Benchy3D Benchy is a must for any new 3D Printer enthusiast, it is a good way to find out what setting effect what. Have fund messing with the supports for this unit and it is easy to print on our brand new 0.03mm Tolerance PLA or ABS. 

You can download the STL from Thingiverse by clicking the image. 


2. Printable Working Wrench

Printable WrenchWhy not take it to the next level and try printing a working tool with a simple mechanism, the 3D Wrench available from thingiverse is a simple but fun thing to print using your new printer! 

You can download the STL from Thingiverse by clicking the image. 


3. XYZ Calibration Cube

Now you have stepped it up a level let's try something else, with a calibration cube. Don't be fooled this look's simple but it really isn't. 

Printing those indented letters can be very tricky if you haven't got your settings right! 

You can download the STL from Thingiverse by clicking the image. 


4. Ball Bearing

 Want to print another working part? Try out the Ball Bearing. This one in our experience does take some tinkering. But hey, that's one of the reasons why we love 3D Printing! 

You can download the STL from Thingiverse by clicking the image. 



5. Millennium Falcon 

Now you have tested your skills, let's enjoy something with a lot of detail. This is one of our favourite things to print as it just looks so good! 

And besides who doesn't love Star Wars? 

You can download the STL from Thingiverse by clicking the image. 


Remember this is all our own opinion! And may differ slightly to other help blogs, but we enjoy the challenge of printing and I am sure you will too. 

Make sure to check out our online store and our new PLA and ABS, each filament now comes with a 0.03mm tolerance, which produces unbelievable quality prints. 


Previous article 3D Printz flys with StantonFPV

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